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19 Years of Manifestations
When CEO & Founder, Ciara Lewin first starting working with companies nearly 20 years ago her primary focus was results coupled with a
restful sleep at night.

Most Influential Business Leader 2023
Top 10 Most Successful Entrepreneur to Watch 2021
Speaking in virtual and in person events related to business, global management & entrepreneurship for over 10,000 attendees.
Publisher and partner with great organizations such as MGMA & Dr. Tony on clinical outsourcing success for physicians & teams.
impact MENTOR
Offering free mentoring sessions for students and business owners in more than 7 countries totaling over 5,000 people in 2022.
After traveling the world, helping companies, students, business owners and friends achieve their business dreams, many have asked what is it like in the life of Elite and their global teams? Below find answer direct from Ciara herself.

Global support is simply that.. gaining support for your business, idea, organization or even personal self and not limiting yourself to just the people you know in your network. Nowadays, there are so many talented people and companies that can easily alleviate the stress that businesses have. Why not help them find the support they need and do so in a way that brings serenity to both sides. That is what true global support means to.. creating an environment where our highest selves and companies can flourish in.
No we are seeking to build better jobs for the best resources. What that means is that as tasks and responsibilities are taken off your plate and reallocated to another person, entity or company, that allows you to show more value and even gain more respect and compensation for the skills that maybe haven’t been highlighted due to being overburdened and underpaid. There is plenty of work and money to go around and we want to help everyone see that.
As a part of our process, we first understand what your goals are, what can be outsourced or improved with global support and then how to better leverage the talents of your existing team. We are not in the business of taking from someone to give to another. We want everyone to have the opportunities to work at their highest level and in turn generate value for the organization.
I have lived all over the US as well as parts of Asia & Africa. Because of the nature of our business, I like to be where the demand and needs are. Whether that is in the trenches in Seattle, Washington, amongst the teams in Accra, Ghana or with the talents of Chennai, India. We like to be versatile in our availability and therefore have teams & companies all over the world.
For those who know me, you know that I move through life with peace of mind and off positive energy & vibrations. My work isn’t a burden because I love creating and manifesting. My family life is well balanced in the sense that I know I am not the only one who can help rear my children but there is a whole world of great minds and energies that can teach my kids what they need to know about life. I love spending time by the water where I get both inspired and rejuvenated and often times I travel with my family so they too can experience the world in their own way.
While in school to become a surgeon, I realized that I loved the business side of medicine more than the clinical side. That is when Elite Precision Consulting (previously Elite Precision Educators) first was formed where we helped those on the business side better understand medical billing, coding & auditing. From there I started working hand in hand with physicians on finding better ways to improve their documentation, revenue and soon operations. We never marketed, paid for Google ads or any of the traditional means of gaining clients. Everything has been from referrals, smart work and great relationship building.
Many say ‘the skies the limit’ I say…. ‘There are no limits’. With that mindset in mind, we want to better support our US based companies by understanding what they need for their sustainability in the upcoming years and decades. We are also spending a great deal of time working with countries and smaller cities to help develop more qualified teams and companies so that they can be competitive and also eat from the universal pie. More relationships, more strategic partnerships and more abundance to be realized for all those we meet… that’s the plan.